Welcome to the Oji Life Lab Resource Center!

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy | Sep 25, 2023
A chalk sign that says "Welcome; Please Come In" / Photo Credit: Unsplash

Welcome!  We're so glad you are here.  This resource center is intended to give you an easy place to find tools, templates, and more to make your life as an Oji Program Coordinator even easier.  It's organized by tags, which you will see across the top.  

Join me on a video tour or keep reading...

As you explore, the easiest thing to do is choose the tag that aligns to the Life Lab that you are implementing:

Tags for the various Oji Life Labs: Oji Emotions, Oji Decide, Oji Foundations, Oji Lead

Or, depending on the phase of your implementation, you may choose from these tags:

Tags for other sections: Onboarding, Engagement, Recognition

The logic behind the tags is simple.

Onboarding = Everything you need to get started with your implementation

Engagement = Resources to support learners as they progress on their journeys

Recognition = Ideas for recognizing those who have committed to learning and completed a life lab

Some content may span multiple tags, others is quite specific.  You'll also see a tag called Inspiration. This tag is for YOU!  It is a place where you can showcase the great work that you've done implementing an Oji Life Lab at your organization.  If you are curious about this, check out the first contribution from Charis Loveland, EPIC Program Manager at Amazon.  If you are interested in making a contribution, please email support@ojilifelab.com.  

We're just getting started and plan to add more content to this resource center in the coming months.  If you have any feedback on what is here or what is missing, let us know by filling out this form.  

Thank you for your partnership!

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy

Jen Jortner Cassidy serves as the Director of Customer Success for Oji Life Lab. She partners closely with organizations to implement Oji’s learning programs and always strives to be user friendly.

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