Oji Decide

A chalk sign that says "Welcome; Please Come In" / Photo Credit: Unsplash Welcome to the Oji Life Lab Resource Center! This resource center is intended to give you an easy place to find tools, templates, and more to make your life as an Oji Program Coordinator even easier. The left hand of a white man wearing a watch on the keyboard of a laptop.  The right hand is slightly in view. At a Glance: Oji Life Lab Program Requirements As you embark on your Oji Life Labs journey, you may be wondering how much time you’ll be spending on learning activities.   a computer, notebook, and teacup Success Tips for Self Paced Learning Learning new skills and developing lasting habits is really hard.  Oji Life Labs are one of the easiest and most effective ways to achieve skill development, but there are still several great ways to enhance the learning experience to make the process fun and more effective. A wooded area with two paths, divided by a tree. Oji Decide: Post Kickoff Email Template You've had your Oji Decide kickoff and everyone is excited. The Oji Life Lab Knowledge Base: Quick Answers at Your Fingertips The Oji Life Lab Knowledge Base: Quick Answers at Your Fingertips Hi! I’m Maria. I’m the customer care manager at Oji Life Lab and my job is to ensure that our learners across Oji Emotions, Oji Decide, and Oji Foundations are supported and have everything that they need to learn. Photo Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/JKUTrJ4vK00 / A screen with charts and graphs Metrics that Matter: Proving the Impact of your Oji Life Lab Program While it would be incredibly easy to measure the impact of learning simply in numbers... Photo Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/QuusekRfTI8 / A computer, tablet, and plant on a desk Oji Decide Introductory Messaging I bet the chances are significantly higher. That is why, as you plan for your Oji Decide launch, we recommend providing context to your learners by leveraging...

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