Getting the Most out of the Emotion Snapshot

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy | Dec 22, 2023
Shadow of a man holding a camera on an orange background
Photo by Malcom Lifhtbody on Unsplash

Research shows that our ability to evaluate our own emotional intelligence is limited, so we need the perspective of others to deepen our skill. That's where the Emotion Snapshot report comes in.

This exercise brings together your observations with others' feedback on your emotional patterns. In the Oji Emotions program, you'll have the opportunity to easily collect feedback by entering email addresses for family, friends, and/or colleagues. You and each person on your list will receive an email with a link to an online survey that takes about 3 minutes to complete. In order to generate your emotion snapshot report, you'll need at least 8 responses, including yours. It is required that you enter at least 10 email addresses, but you are welcome to enter more. This is important because if we haven't received 8 responses, you won't be able to advance in the program.

Of course, your data is your data. Period. We do not sell or share the email addresses shared with us in any way. That said, it's only natural that those who receive the email may find it to be suspicious. It's also possible that it may be blocked by a spam filter. With that in mind, we recommend that you give your recipients a heads up by sending them a message and letting them know what to expect. To make this easy for you, we've created this template. We'd encourage you to download a copy and make it your own.

If you need any assistance, please reach out to support@ojilifelab.com or your Customer Success Manager.

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy

Jen Jortner Cassidy serves as the Director of Customer Success for Oji Life Lab. She partners closely with organizations to implement Oji’s learning programs and always strives to be user friendly.

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