Oji Foundations: Post Kickoff Email Template

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy | Aug 18, 2023
Woman from the waist down holding a coffee cup that says 'world's best boss' with a lipstick stain on the rim.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You've invested in Oji Foundations for your new managers because you believe in them and want them to be successful. So it's understandable that you'd be frustrated when you check your Oji dashboard and see that learners are not engaging with the program.

This, often, is the reality with any new and innovative learning program.  People have the best of intentions, but things get in the way. We're all juggling a lot these days and prioritizing can be a challenge.

Sometimes a little nudge or reminder is all it takes to get people back on track. With that in mind, we've created this template to make your job a little easier. You are welcome and encouraged to customize it based on your unique program requirements and the culture of your organization.  

Need more ideas?  Reach out to your Oji Customer Success manager or support@ojilifelab.com

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy

Jen Jortner Cassidy serves as the Director of Customer Success for Oji Life Lab. She partners closely with organizations to implement Oji’s learning programs and always strives to be user friendly.

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